Thursday, May 29, 2008
Soap Making trials
Yes, soapmaking has its trial. Even after making soaps for 6 years without having to use a recipe because I've done it so many times it has become more of a pattern of movement, sometimes things just don't go right. Apparently, I made the mistake of leaving the lid off one of the buckets which allowed moisture to seep into the granules of powder. As the photo shows, these little granules refused to dissolve into the mixture. This was a problem. You see, when making soap, part of the process involves using lye. This sounds horrifying, I know, but indeed one cannot have soap with out it. Lye is a VERY caustic chemical but the process known as saponification reduces it to a state of usefulness and makes it harmless. (soapmaking 101).
I deduced that if I removed the moisture from the powder, it would become flaky and powdery again so I put it in the oven in a pot on a very low setting.
I use a jar to scoop it out and even it was stuck in the glob so hard I couldn't get it out! Several hours later I checked on the experiment only to find out that my hypothesis was incorrect! The powder actually turned liquid! At that point, I just decided to put it away and deal with it tomorrow (which is always a good way to deal with stress, right!?)
I continued making the batch of soap that I had begun in the first place. Olive oil is one of the 6 oils I put into the soap. This makes for a beautiful, rich, bubbly bar of soap. Each ingredient must be carefully weighed and combined in the proper order to ensure the saponification process.
Once the ingredients are combined, they are vigorously blended together. Here I am using what is commonly referred to as a stick blender. Usually these are used for making milkshakes, but they also are indispensable when making soap! I blend until "trace" which is a thickened state.
Once I add whatever fragrance and color I want, I pour it into the molds and let it set overnight. This batch is Plumeria.
Next I cut each bar by hand and set it on the shelf for 6 weeks to allow it to cure. After that time it is ready to sell. So this is what it takes to keep my family and friends clean and smelling nice! This is my creative expression which I love to express, so more than anything it is a labor of love!
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Knitter Almighty
My daughter says that I look like that in this photo. It's hard to see what I am doing, but I am trying to knit those socks one more time. Last time I tried, they got too big so I made them into baby hats instead!
So far so good.
While we sent the horses out for a run in the arena, I knitted!
Image has recovered from his injury to his leg and is back to his old self again.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
The old shall become as new
We even had to re-enforce the foundation.
This photo was taken 2 yrs. later. We still have a ways to go on "finishing" the project, but we are making progress. At least now it looks gorgeous from the street!
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Memorial Day & my Dad
So with that aside, this Memorial Day weekend I will remind myself why it is that we even celebrate this holiday. Many have given years of their lives in service, others have paid the ultimate price and lost their own lives in order that mine would be better. My own father being one of those whose life was spared, yet scarred in ways that none of us will ever be able to comprehend. The images and experiences of war are not easily forgotten by those who are lucky enough to make it home to their families after serving in the military. Those are the wounds that take a life time to heal.
Dad, I am thankful for your willingness to spend your youthful years defending the principles that were so dear to your heart. The scars that marred your heart and your mind will always be there, but I honor you for the diligence you have displayed over the years to work through it. Life hasn't always been easy for you in your struggle. You have made some bad choices that have had some far reaching consequences, yet you have remained solid. You have stood the test of time, you have not folded. You have not given in to the temptation of quitting. Always there, always near the line, but never crossed. You have shown me how to persevere through those times when life is hard, when the breach in the wall of the dam is seeping, ready to burst. I pray that the God of peace will guard your heart and your mind in Christ Jesus as you reach toward the prize set before you.
Reebs wrote this for you:
When I feel a cool breeze graze my skin and play gently with my hair,
I think.
When I look at the blue sky with birds flying high, I know.
These are the things we share.
Your eyes have seen these things and your skin felt this same breeze.
I am standing free
You were in chains, with the weight of hatred scarring your body.
I am standing free
You ate the food of nightmares and still carry the effects.
I am standing free
You felt the blow of hatred and fascism.
I am standing free
You watched as your friends fell, the victims of terrible horrors.
I am standing free
You spent weeks in black misery with only your heartbeat to remind you that you were still alive
I am standing free
Your eyes forever scarred, the image of murder imprinted on the inside of your eyelids.
I am standing free
It is these things we share, the blue of the sky, the same color over Germany.
A cool breeze, so free and unconfined, the same in a prison camp.
I am standing free,
Thank you
Thursday, May 22, 2008
For the last few weeks I have been trying to improve my eating habits . With all the talk of healthy heart eating, no carbs, low fat, low sodium diets, I wanted to see for myself how I would feel if I ate just a little bit better. The first thing I did was cut meat out of my diet. (Sorry, TJ & Mark! I love your cows and your organic beef, but....) I have a few friends that are vegetarians so I wanted to see if this would make a difference in how I felt. It's been 3 weeks and so far I feel great. I don't miss it too much. There are so many meat substitutes available that make it easier to eliminate the real thing from the table. I had some vegan sausage the other day mixed in with my stir fry and it was actually pretty good. (though I never liked real sausage, anyway!)
The next thing I cut out was coffee. I have done this umpteen times over the years only to ever so slowly invite it back in! I didn't have too much trouble with that until about 3 days later I began to notice this small ache toward the back of my head. This would be the dreaded no-coffee headache. I was surprised that it took a few days for that to happen. I do have Chai latte's every now and again in addition to Yerba Matte' tea, so I don't strictly have myself weaned from caffeine but I figured that this was a good starting point. Once the headache cleared, the no-coffee rule certainly helped my attitude. I feel much less anxiety than I did. The next hurdle to tackle is the sugar. This one is a bit harder for me as I have not just a sugar tooth but several sugar teeth. I think I get this trait from my mother! She enjoys a good sweet roll as much as I do! I haven't really done that well with this dietary change. Seems like every time I moderate my intake, there's a baby shower to attend with a delicious ice cream filled cake, or a Pampered Chef house warming party with gooey, rich caramel brownies or some other such occasion that requires my indulgence. Once I get the other vices under control I will work harder on the sugar thing.
With the price of diesel fuel reaching a milestone of $5 here in Humboldt I try to do most of my errands on foot. I love to walk and town isn't that big, so I walk just about everywhere I can.
The days of indulgence are gone along with my youth. My mom told me I wouldn't be able to eat that way forever with out consequences and of course mom is usually right. I think the days of moderation are here now. Our health is so fragile, yet so wonderful that I don't want to abuse what the Good Lord has given me. I have seen first hand what it is like to lose your good health and I am not ready or willing to have any of that in my life! So I shall try to do a little better everyday by respecting this gift of good health. And through this act of worship, showing God how appreciative I am for all He has given me for His glory.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Slang Language
How on earth could a boy as solid as this ever be identified by his mother as being a "smart alec?"
My apologies, WM. I am proud of the young man that you have become and are yet to be.
So, moral of the story is............. be careful what slang words you use unless you understand where they came from!
I often uttered the word schmuck when someone would cut me off in traffic while driving or when my patience grew thin in any number of different situations until my DIL told me what it meant! Now I just try to be patient and not call people names at all! (which is a better idea all together!).
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
It's Summertime!
This is a welcoming sight.
This means that summer is indeed here.
Officially that doesn't happen until June 21 st.
But for our family, seeing this trailer down at the campsite in SoHum (which is short for Southern Humboldt for those of you who are new to reading this post!) means that it is officially summer for us!
Each year we move our traveling home down to the Redwoods so that we can indulge ourselves in the warm summer like weather that seems to evade the northern parts of the county. When the fog remains as thick as a wool blanket for a good part of the summer months over the coastal cities, the inland valleys receive an abundance of sun for most of that time. So being the sunseeker that I am, I seek and I find. And I find it in SoHum.
Of course, set up takes some time. Seems like Gus winds up doing most of the hard work! The ground is not always level since there isn't a concrete slab or anything fancy like that. Sometimes finding a level spot isn't easy. It's kind of like moving furniture around in the living takes a few tries before you settle in on just the right set up. So after several repositioning attempts and Gus' eternal patience with me, we got it settled. Did I forget to mention how hot it was?
WM had the pleasure of setting up his tent. I had great fun telling him stories of how hard it was to set up a tent in the "old days." Tents that were made of 1/4 inch canvas that weighed about a hundred pounds, poles with no labels on them that had to be snapped together in just the right order to get the thing erect! I can still see the sweat pouring off of my father's face after wrestling with our old family tent for what seemed to be hours! I had to remind WM how easy he has it with these poles with elastic in them that only require a few minutes to put in place. He asked me if I had to walk for miles in the snow barefoot to get to school, too! Smart alec! (is that even spelled right!?).
And my job was to direct the entire ordeal from my chair. It had to look good as well as be level guys, come on!
But in the end, isn't this worth all that sweat and hard effort? We think so and I'm sure they appreciate it too!
Monday, May 19, 2008
A Holiday for Who
As I have mentioned in previous posts, this fella is the cutest little guy this side of the sun. From the moment he was able, he began smiling and hasn't stopped since. He brings so much joy to our
Reebs & Jo made him his very own cupcake. Since he hasn't had much sugar before, he hardly knew what to do with it.
MMMM! this stuff is pretty good.
Can I have some more!!???!?!
Happy birthday, Sweet Grandson!
Monday, May 12, 2008
The days go by......
Last time we went camping I took a picture of the campsite because I thought that it looked just like home...stuff everywhere. I wanted to forget about it and not stress over it but then this mother-thing takes over. That little voice that tells me that I am responsible for making healthy, functioning, productive citizens out of these people and that time is running out! I don't have that many years left to train them before they move out and grow up. So sometimes I panic about that..... then I nag.... then nobody wants to be around me because they think that I am in a bad mood. But actually I am just panicking. Worried that they will grow up to be slobs. Or worse yet, what if their spouses blame me for their bad habits?!
So that's it. One mother's rant a day after Mother's day. I'm done. I know that as their father and I raise them up that they will be fine. I think it's just the gaps in that training that I wonder about......
Sunday, May 11, 2008
My page would be empty, my world would be a mess
If it weren't for your influence and your tender caress.
My heart would be cold, my slate would be bare
If it weren't for your touch and your never-ending care.
You call me and write me to brighten my days,
You've helped me succeed in so many ways.
I love you and miss you more than you could ever know,
But now it's getting late and to bed I must go.
Friday, May 09, 2008
Emo moment
How is it possible that my emotions are so fickle?? I have known for months that I had to find a new home for Hero, yet now that I have accomplished that goal my heart is somewhat torn. I keep telling myself that he is only a dog, not my child, or that other people have suffered greater losses than this and I am being absolutely ridiculous to get emotional over a dog. Yet somehow the tears come anyway. When I greet my Lab, Tilly, in the morning, I miss Hero's over-the-top jumping up and down with muddy paws against my clean jeans. I have phantom sightings of him throughout the day as I go about my daily routines only to discover that it is one of my 4 cats slinking around me. You see, Hero used to follow me wherever I went. He had that terrier nose poked into whatever I happen to be doing. If I was edging the lawn, Hero was next to me chewing the blades of grass as if to participate in the process. If I was digging weeds, he was busy trying to discover what it was that I was searching for. He was quite the little companion. So I guess it's no wonder that I miss his beady little black eyes staring up at me in wonderment. He had personality. I know that I did the right thing by finding him a new home and I know that he will be loved very much by his new owner. It is these assurances that give my heart the comfort I need for this silly ache that I feel. Tilly misses him too. She seems less interested in things as Hero was her constant companion. I got a follow up email from Hero's new owner and he informs me that his new buddy is doing absolutely perfect! He now enjoys that companionship that once belonged to me and is now warming his lonely heart.
O.k. I'm done. Enough. I am over it. Move on. Move past. Yeh, right.
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
A New Home for Hero
Thank you, Cameron, for adopting Hero! And thank you to all of you who responded to my post about this little dog. For over a year now I have been looking for just the right person to adopt Hero and this kind person is the one that we have been waiting for. Since Hero is an active dog, he needed someone who likes to get out of doors and play. Seems like this is exactly what his new owner wanted in a dog, too.
So after meeting each other, checking each other out, they got along perfectly. Hero gave him a good licking on the face as soon as he met him! Great ending to a great story. This just goes to show that with a little perseverance and tenacity, a good outcome can happen. Over one hundred people linked over from Craig’slist to read the blog. Thank you again for all the inquiries!
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
Humboldt Dunes
I couldn't believe all the beautiful little wildflowers that nestled in among the grasses along the trail.
Dunes that spread out across the ocean's edge greeted us as we ascended the first hill. The forest that can be seen in the background is actually being slowly covered in sand as these dunes are moving at a rate of about 10 ft. a year in some areas.
Mere words cannot describe nor cheap photographs capture the intense beauty of this landscape. I was filled with awe and wonder as we hiked the few miles of trails with our guide and docent, Tamar. Along with our wildflower expert, we were joined by an entymologist (bugs) and a mammalogist from HSU. Between the three of these informative individuals, we had a wealth of knowledge that just couldn't be grasped in the few short hours that we were out there. And the weather was absolutely perfect! What a great way to spend a Saturday morning!
A Calypso orchid. It is hard to tell, but this flower is only a few inches tall.
This is a Humboldt Wallflower. It is listed as an endangered species. The seed pods can be seen
on the lower parts of the stem.
This is a beach pea.
This is a shot of what a dune looks like as it slowly encompasses the shrubs and trees that lie in its path. In perspective, this dune is about 20 ft. high and moving over the greenery and the trails at a very rapid rate.
This is a dune flower of some sort, I can't remember the name at this moment. Most of the flowers were beach, sand or dune something or other.
Sunday, May 04, 2008
Mount Shasta is a beautiful place. I guess if you have to go away on business, this is an awesome place to go.
Seth enjoyed hikes along the manzanita lined trails, skipping stones on the lake, collecting various lichens and mosses, and just running through the trails while the cold mountain air rustled through the treetops. This is one of the great joys of homeschooling. Time away from the books just isn't on the weekends. Anytime during the week, we can escape the routine to catch up on some recreation.
The bees buzzed around us sampling the abundant nectar of the manzanita blossoms.
The weather and the landscape made the entire experience worth every inconvenience of having to drive the winding, twisting path of Hwy. 36 to get there.
Friday, May 02, 2008
For a few days this week I went out of town with Gus for a conference. We went over to Mount Shasta. I am posting this photo of turtles, because this is what I felt like the whole time. It seems that my schedule is wearing me out quit a bit which I didn't really realize until I escaped it for awhile with some recreation. I think I slept most of the time I was there! I did get out to take a few short hikes along some beautiful trails, but most of the time I sat around the Resort reading and relaxing. I had a great time while Gus had to attend those boring, but necessary conference sessions. Good times. I will post some photos of Mount Shasta soon.