On October 31, 1517 Martin Luther | ||
nailed his 95 theses to the doors of the Wittenberg church in Germany. A day that began the reformation of the Christian church!!! | ||
Watch a short video clip HERE | ||
Luther in 1529 by Lucas Cranach | ||
Born | November 10, 1483 | |
Died | February 18, 1546 (aged 62) | |
Occupation | Theologian, priest | |
Religious beliefs | Lutheran | |
Spouse(s) | Katharina von Bora | |
Children | Hans, Elizabeth, Magdalena, Martin, Paul, Margarethe | |
Parents | ||
Signature |
Friday, October 31, 2008
Happy Reformation Day!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Fall, Family & Felines
This is the last of the apples that I have to deal with.... I hope. I actually have a tree in the back yard that is still drooping with fruit. It is a late bearing apple of some sort. Usually I don't deal with those until Thanksgiving when I make some homemade apple pies.
I just thought I might upload some random photos of my family as we've enjoyed the beautiful fall that we have experienced here on the NorthCoast of California.
We are expecting our first significant rain storm of the season over the weekend. Looks like winter is creeping in whether we want it to or not!
A ride at the beach is one of the girls favorite ways to spend a fall day.
The horses just love rolling in the sand after a good run and a good sweat! Notice the little terrier in the photo who I thought I had gotten a new home for? He's back. Click on the link to hear more about that story!!
It's always a sad sight to see the trailer get packed up and put back into storage.
And this is my little buddy, Poo Poo Head, as I call him. He is a little hyperthyroidic and controling, but he's a good guy.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
What is this?!

Are you kidding me? What is this? I found it on my dining room table this morning.
Is that my name etched in the card? And did you notice that it says these are my permanent cards? What exactly does that mean?
I wasn't aware when my membership in this club actually started. I thought I had a few years. What's the deal? Do they want us to feel older?
C'mon.... I'm just getting used to the fact that I have gone over the hill. I don't need these people signing me up for the old people's club.
Notice that at the bottom it says that if I remove the perforated portion and send it off, I will become a member in good standing....
Who tore it off and sent it in????
I certainly didn't have a hand in it.
I would have shredded the envelope without even opening it.
Gosh... I feel old just looking at it!!!!
Does it sound like I am in crisis mode??? I'm really not. I just get worked up about random things. I love the fact that I am now 50 yrs old and I feel as good as I do! I am grateful for the fact that I can still hop on my ten speed and take a long bike ride (yes, a ten speed - I still have it from the 70's and it still works great! ). I am thankful that I have a wonderful husband that has loved me through the various seasons of our lives together, despite my mood swings :)
So, no... actually I am not in crisis mode. Getting this card in the mail offers for me a visual reminder of the years that have gone by and the ones yet to come. I guess I, too, have come to a milestone in my life just like some of my other family members in previous days.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Going Too Far........
This is when you know the blogging habit is going too far.
Today while doing school work with our youngest son, Arbiter, as he likes to be called, he mentioned that he had a little bump near his eye that was bothering him. I paid little mind to his complaint until I looked up and noticed that he did indeed have a bump on the side of his nose near his eye. Upon further investigation, I realized that he had reached a milestone in his young life, just like his brothers have in the past few weeks.
I realized that this little bump on the side of his nose was not just a red bump, but it also had a little white head on it.
Wow! I cried! You've got your first zit!
My first what???? he blushed.
Let me get my camera! I cried. I want to put it on my blog!
The other kids gathered around as we made a really big deal that he had gotten his first zit. He laughingly pushed away from us, telling us that we were a bunch of weirdos! Everyone seemed to have their own remedy for a quick recovery from the little blip.
Don't pop it! Don't even touch it!
Put toothpaste on it and it will go away faster!
Use honey on it. The enzymes in the honey will eat it up.
So, there we have it. Another child reaching the heights of adulthood.
And to think ..... it all starts with a zit.
Today while doing school work with our youngest son, Arbiter, as he likes to be called, he mentioned that he had a little bump near his eye that was bothering him. I paid little mind to his complaint until I looked up and noticed that he did indeed have a bump on the side of his nose near his eye. Upon further investigation, I realized that he had reached a milestone in his young life, just like his brothers have in the past few weeks.
I realized that this little bump on the side of his nose was not just a red bump, but it also had a little white head on it.
Wow! I cried! You've got your first zit!
My first what???? he blushed.
Let me get my camera! I cried. I want to put it on my blog!
The other kids gathered around as we made a really big deal that he had gotten his first zit. He laughingly pushed away from us, telling us that we were a bunch of weirdos! Everyone seemed to have their own remedy for a quick recovery from the little blip.
Don't pop it! Don't even touch it!
Put toothpaste on it and it will go away faster!
Use honey on it. The enzymes in the honey will eat it up.
So, there we have it. Another child reaching the heights of adulthood.
And to think ..... it all starts with a zit.
Monday, October 27, 2008
2nd Generation
So I had to get out my sewing machine a few weeks ago to sew some patches on work shirts. This is something I have done many, many times over the years. Only this time, it wasn't for Gus.
S-2 gave me a call to see if I could sew some patches on his work shirt.
Teary eyed, with great pleasure I said I would.

Another amazing sight. N. becoming a Correctional Officer. Whoa.

As I post these images I am reflecting on the incredible blessings of a big family. It seems like everyday they are reaching new and exciting phases in their lives.
Over the years their dad & I have committed ourselves to instilling Biblical principles and Godly riches into their hearts. Now that they are growing as unique individuals, we are witnessing the unveiling of those lessons that we taught.
Ps. 27.... You will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.
I am a blessed woman.
S-2 gave me a call to see if I could sew some patches on his work shirt.
Teary eyed, with great pleasure I said I would.
Another amazing sight. N. becoming a Correctional Officer. Whoa.
As I post these images I am reflecting on the incredible blessings of a big family. It seems like everyday they are reaching new and exciting phases in their lives.
Over the years their dad & I have committed ourselves to instilling Biblical principles and Godly riches into their hearts. Now that they are growing as unique individuals, we are witnessing the unveiling of those lessons that we taught.
Ps. 27.... You will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.
I am a blessed woman.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
This is Wes-Monger behind the wheel of an automobile.........
And this is me on drugs.......... any questions?
Yes, He's driving! Yes, that's his Dad's new pick-up. and No, I don't like it !!!!!
This absolutely cannot be possible.
Once again, I am emotionally amazed that another adult milestone has been reached by one of my kids.
Amazed and gratified all at the same time.
This , of course, means that Wes will be graduating from college before too long, bringing home a young lady to meet the family, getting married.......... whoa, I'm getting way ahead of myself!
I am so proud of you, Wes. You are completing your second year of Community College at the age of 16, you are within reach of your Eagle Scout rank in Boy Scouts and you are a leader with your peers. My prayer is that you continue to grow in the riches that Christ has given all of us and that you anchor those treasures deep with in your heart. For with His grace and blessing, you will have eternal success.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Eternal Summer
Never too late in the season for a beach party! We have had such a beautiful fall here on the Northcoast. The sunsets have been stunning, the temperatures in the upper 70's while the night time temps have been comfortably 50- ish.
N & E, (notice the little blue belly?) & Jo
The Boys in the Band
Not sure just what E is supervising here... maybe an agreement to do this again next summer!
Mmmm, s'mores!
Of course, happy feet.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Close the Window!
This is the treat that my cat brought to me this evening. She was so proud of herself. Thank God it was very dead when she brought it in the house! I am forever going to keep my window closed! I don't care how much freedom she wants to sleep on my bed and go in and out the window all night. Can you imagine what would happen if she had brought this in alive!!! I don't even want to think about it! Last spring, in the very wee hours of the morning, she brought a live mouse into my bedroom. I woke up to her scurrying around the room playing with the poor thing! I made Gus get out of bed to try to catch the darn thing. We spent the next 45 minutes trying to capture it to throw it outside. Finally after completely tearing our room apart, we were able to catch it and get rid of it. EEEWWW! I feel nauseous just thinking about this thing. I am so glad he found it before I did. I certainly wouldn't want to step on that in the middle of the night!
I think I need a vacation....... Maybe to the pacific shores of Mexico....hmmmm.
I think I shall.
Maybe even get a couple of friends to go, too.....
Sunday, October 05, 2008
Apple Harvest
This is the season for harvesting all those lovely apples adorning the trees in our yard. With a little help from the young-uns, we can get this job done in no time!!!! Here's little mister helping me with the food mill.

When we were done with the processing, we got together for a group photo. We had a lot of fun. Even though it's work, when we do it together it just doesn't seem to be that difficult. (under the banner of Jesus. )

Little mister has recently gotten a haircut. This is what he used to look like a couple of weeks ago.

And here he is sporting his new look! He loves the camera!
When we were done with the processing, we got together for a group photo. We had a lot of fun. Even though it's work, when we do it together it just doesn't seem to be that difficult. (under the banner of Jesus. )
Little mister has recently gotten a haircut. This is what he used to look like a couple of weeks ago.
And here he is sporting his new look! He loves the camera!
Friday, October 03, 2008
Adios to the Summer weather!
The rain has come, summer has gone. So sad.... Last Sunday Gus and I went out to the harbor entrance and had a nice summer walk. You see here in Humboldt County, we get our summer weather in the fall just before the rain comes. It is short in duration, perhaps only a few weeks, so we have to get out and enjoy it while it's here. This was an exceptionally warm, calm day out on the beach. Quiet, blue skies awaited us as we made our way down the jetty. We drank down the summer sun as if it were our last. We were determined not to waste a single minute of it. Savoring each moment like it were a delicate glass of choice wine, sipping it in & swirling into our memories. I love the ocean.
I love the gulls resting so picturesque on their lofty perches. I love the little shore birds that run along the sand with their knees bent backwards, screeching loudly as they swoop near the breaking waves.
I love to watch the ocean tide as it laps the rocks along the jetty, the water shimmering like sapphires against a brilliant sky. Mmm. And I love a Creator who so lovingly gifted mankind with such a great treasure to be enjoyed and experienced just to give us a glimpse of how incredible He is!
It was a very good day.
Ms. Tilly loves the ocean about as much as I do.
I also love the man who on any given day will drop whatever he's doing to spontaneously run off on an adventure with his honey. Just because he loves me. Just because he likes to be with me. Just because he is that kind of guy.
Wow, I am incredibly blessed.
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