Staying indoors for long stretches of days actually has some quirky benefits. I have found that I putter around more when I can't go outside. Putt, putt..... I grab my camera to try to capture what my exploring eyes come upon. These African violets sit atop my microwave absorbing that desire-some northern light that they crave; along with whatever weird waves my microwave is perhaps emitting. The nutmeg grater awaits my morning ritual of sprinkling it's aromatic spice into my first cup of coffee. Hand-crocheted doilies that I myself don't make, find their place gracefully throughout my home.

I have always loved to collect Hurricane kerosene lamps like these. I lost most of my collection in a series of earthquakes many years ago. So, I just started collecting all over again!

These are my delicate dishes that I bought many years ago from an older gal who was downsizing her collection of belongings. The apple bowl in the background was hand painted by my mother's mother about a hundred years ago. One of the very few family treasures that I own.
My MIL gave me these years ago. I remember seeing them inside of her china cabinet; now they are just sitting inside of mine! I have no idea about them. I think they are Hansel & Gretel.

My spaces seem to get smaller as the years go by; less land to manage, fewer kids at home to look after, fewer animals to care for. I think I like it though! I find it manageable. Not too stressful.

So, there it is. The simplicity of my recent days. Don't get me wrong, the surges of stress and busyness come regularly, but I am learning to appreciate the quiet days more and more!!
Such wonderful photos.