Throughout these long months of campaigning, part of the necessary duties involves recruiting friends, acquaintances and just about anyone who will accommodate us, to put up a campaign sign on their property. With this being a county wide election and Humboldt County being a huge county, well, you can just imagine what an undertaking this is!! Thankfully, we have a fantastic group of guys on our sign committee that have been working evenings, weekends and virtually every spare moment that they have, putting up Downey signs anywhere they have permission. This is a photo of one of the signs at our summer spot along the Avenue of the Giants in Miranda. Thanks to M & J for supporting our candidate!!
We have been working very diligently and steadily for the past 5 months, meeting people, listening to their concerns and seeking their support and now we are down to the final 10 days. We have been getting lots of positive support from the public and are anticipating a final outcome of Mike as our Sheriff - elect this June!
We are so humbled by the time and efforts that our friends and committee members have invested in this campaign and hope that, somehow, each and every one of you will know just how much we appreciate your hard work!!
Election Night will be here in a few short days with a victory close at hand!!
WooHoo. Mike D. is the man for the job!