This marks yet another milestone for me. I have finished an entire 1/2 century on this planet with hopefully another 1/2 to complete. I am blessed to share this special occasion with two very special ladies. Both of my beautiful DIL's share in the same birthday month as do I. Our honeys treated us to a wonderful celebration of our b-days this past weekend. We shared in blowing out the candles on the cake. Shortly after we indulged ourselves in this towering mass of chocolate cake, we had an earthquake. When we came back into the room the cake had slid off onto its side and fallen over. The quake wasn't that big, but we thought it was rather amusing!

The guys were so kind to honor us and make us feel extra special. N even gave us a solo on the toy trumpet!

Since the theme of our celebration was "Viva Mexico!" our friends M & TJ brought over this strange looking fruit. Most of us had no idea what it was as we cut it open and examined the contents. Yes, we should have realized that it was a papaya.
TJ does her best to look like she knows what she is doing with the exotic fruit. We had all kinds of candles, guacamole, chips, fajitas, and even some Mariachi music playing on the CD player. We had lots of fun. Thank you friends and family for making us feel so special.
you should not only feel special, you should KNOW that you are special! And I hope that your "candle of protection" burns forever! marcos