Sad news. Josh has been declared brain dead. Oh how much this pains my heart just to write these words. For with these words the weight of many hearts bends in grief, tears running endlessly in rivers of sorrow. Father God.
The teens gathered around in my living room today as they cried and shared and laughed. As my friend Tammie put it so well today, there is a fine line between sorrow and laughter. Each had their own grief to share. It was good. It was good to see them feel. To see them share. To see them support one another through a tough day. One brought pizza. Another brought flowers. One brought coffees. All brought their hearts.
Josh suffered from a very fast moving infection in his ear and sinuses. This quickly moved into his brain stem where it literally devoured the delicate fibers and tissues. He would not recover. Less than 24 hours after entering the ER, he was gone.
We will miss this gentle boy. I think so many of us feel so much grief and sorrow because Josh was such an open, loving social young man. He was always willing to share himself with others, never afraid to hold back. He will be terribly missed by many many young friends.
Please continue to pray for Bill, Kelly and their beautiful children. Pray for little Jordan. She is so heartbroken. She and Josh were very close and this will be a most difficult time for her.
Today I hugged my children.... alot. I heard Jo tell her brother Wes as she went to bed that she loved him. Tenderness and care so freely given.
Great is thy faithfulness
Oh God my father
there is no shadow of turning from thee
Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow
Great is thy faithfulness
Lord unto me.
omg...I found your link because I was looking for other crafters on blogger. I am also a Christian. I have a teenage girl and this just hit too close to home. I am sitting here typing and crying at the same time. Please know my prayers are with this family.