Last night was the campaign kick off for Gus' bid at running for Sheriff of Humboldt County. Our wonderful campaign committee put together a fantastic night of free food, drinks and campaign speeches. Many well known Humboldt political dignitaries were in attendance as well as many friends and supporters from all areas of the county. We had a great turn out!

Name it and Claim it!!

Dressed for Success!

Undersheriff Mike Downey and current Sheriff Gary Philp

Undersheriff Downey and Eureka Mayor and 4th District Supervisor candidate Virginia Bass

Undersheriff Downey and Board of Supervisor Jimmy Smith

Former Board of Supervisor and upcoming candidate for County Assessor Johanna Rodoni

Undersheriff Mike Downey and all around good guy Rex Bohn

All of our children were able to attend to see their dad make a pitch for a vote, though one DIL didn't make it because she was sick and one future son in law who came after this photo was snapped!

Of course, every campaign MUST have a pitch for money, too!

Miss T is all for voting for G'pa for Sheriff!! Cute kids and kissing babies goes a long way in a campaign!!!