Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Humboldt Happenings

It seems like a lot has been going on in the last week. My youngest son had his tonsils and adenoids taken out and bilateral ear tubes put in last Monday. A group of my friends and I went to Ashland, Or. Thurs, Fri & Sat. to watch some Shakespeare and spend money in some of the wonderful shops. Easter Sunday we went to friends for a fantastic feast of food and to hunt for our baskets of candy. And lastly, over the weekend, my #2 son asked his girlfriend to marry him and she said yes! It looks like we will be anticipating a summer wedding.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Babe the Blue Ox

We girls are on our way to the Shakespeare Festival in Ashland, Or. Spring break is here, so we decided to make another road trip. Last year we went to Chinatown in San Francisco. This year on TJ's recommendation we went to Oregon. On the way we stopped by Trees of Mystery in Klamath to see the now famous headless Blue Ox. Paul Bunyan and his ox, Babe, have been tourist attractions for years yet it wasn't until last year that Babe became a national celebrity. It seems that one stormy night, Babe lost his head. When workers arrived that morning, Babe's massive plaster head was lying in shatters on the ground. For some strange reason I thought this most amusing. I laughed and laughed when I saw this in real time! If you look really close you can see that some prankster has even put a little tiny ox head on the tarp covering the hole! Funny, funny.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Image of Royalty - Pt. 2

The responsibility of owning your own horse is not all fun and pleasure as most people would assume it to be. A big part of the joy of having a horse is taking care of the animal with grooming, brushing, cleaning and buying tack, saddles, riding equipment and the like. One of the lesser spoken of expenses of horse ownership would be the vet bills. As I mentioned previously, my daughter's horse had an accident the other day when they went riding up in Salmon Creek. Image got tangled up in some barbed wire while the girls were working cattle up at the Ranch
Reebs showed me the photos of the leg today after two earlier trips to the vet.

Here's the leg with bandages on it before Reebs undresses is for cleaning and disinfecting.

This is what the injury looks like. I think Gus' (grandpa undersheriff) face pretty much says enough for all of us.

This is a nasty cut. Apparently he was wound up in the wire long enough to shred the skin this much. Nothing that a week or so of antibiotics can't take care of.
Couple of these big babies and Image should be feeling better in no time.New bandages all in place for a day or so and then the process is done all over again. So, for those of you who have the slightest desire for acquiring your own horse, know that ownership comes in a very pretty package, but the contents of the entire package includes this type of care as well.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Image of Royalty

Image, by his more common name, is my daughter's amazing horse. When said daughter was 13 yrs. old, she got a job at a local ranch doing what many horse crazy 13 yr old girls are all too happy to do....scoopin' poop. After a short period of time she came home with the excited announcement that she had found a young gelding in a distant pasture who looked like he needed a young girl to take care of him, love on him, and train him to be the best horse ever, to which her mother said, absolutely not! As she worked on persuading her father into seeing this entire situation from her vantage point, as little girls are prone to do, she continued going to the horse ranch, falling more and more in love with the orphan colt. Within weeks, Image, as he came to be called, was living in my backyard. Yes, I relented. After hearing evidence that when a girl owns a horse she is likely to postpone having a boyfriend for up to 5 years, I thought maybe this wouldn't be such a bad thing. I fought with all the typical reasons why we shouldn't have a horse in our backyard like flies, poop, hay, and broken fences (which leads to escapes, which leads to phone calls from the CHP that your horse is running down the road and you are 50 miles from home, which leads to pleas to your friends to help round up the escapee until you can get there yourself. Hhmmm.
So, years later Image has now become a huge part of my daughter's life by becoming the love of her life. She adores him and he, her. This adoring relationship hasn't come with out a cost; hours of personal sacrifice and training, yards and yards of manure, and of course, expenses. The cost of owning a horse motivated her to get a job. Another good reason to let her have the horse. She cleaned houses, offices, babysat; whatever she could do to provide herself with the funds to keep her Prince living with us in the back yard. Then came her first vet bill. Image tends to be a little accident prone. Once he got stuck in an old greenhouse and tried to jump through an old window. That vet bill cost her about $1000. Today he had another run in with a barbed wire fence and tore up his back leg...$650. Ouch. Through it all, though, my daughter has diligently pressed through these challenges without losing hope of success. She has made a commitment to her boy and she fully intends to keep it no matter how difficult it may be at times. I know that she would say that the hours and hours of pleasure and love Image has given back to her over the years would far out weigh the slightest inconvenience his mishaps have caused her. And the boyfriend thing? Well, I must say that the statistics weren't that far off. She was about 17 when she fell for her first cowboy! Luckily for Mom and Dad, it was very short lived and didn't last too long! The reasonings that she used to persuade her parents all those years ago have all been realized as our daughter has lived up to her commitment and has proven to me once again that through this experience she has grown into a woman of great strength and moral character. BooBoo, I am so proud of you and humbled to be your mother. You amaze me!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Teens .... Home Alone

So I pick up my camera one day to take some photos and I find all these crazy pictures of my teens and some of their friends having a good time while I am away from the nest (no doubt buying groceries to restock).

First they raid the Kitchen and cook up whatever remnants of food they can find. .

Then while their food is cooking or whatever, they run around like crazies

Glad that it's only Mountain Dew that they are drinking!

Then they break out the steel pans.... and dance!

and of course, they eat.

Reminds me of the book, the Cat in the Hat.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Canvas of Constancy

Son, Nate, is pretty excited about the fact that his blog has been linked by theologian blogger, Justin Taylor. Apparently that one's blog is linked from someone of such prestige is a cause for gloating and/or bragging, because he just called me to tell me and I could just feel the huge grin on his face! Canvas of Constancy is the name of his blog. If you are interested in such matters, check out the links he has posted from the Resurgence conference he went to in Seattle a couple of weeks ago.

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Humboldt House of Peace

Yesterday was the opening day of the House of Peace in Redway at the corner of Briceland Rd.and Par Ave. (formerly Noah's Ark Preschool). The House of Peace is a place where anyone can come, hangout and seek. It is a place of spiritual discovery. It is a place where seekers can come and ask questions, search scriptures, and understand more about themselves, about their beliefs and about their place in creation. The compassionate couple who traveled all the way from Ohio to begin work on this endeavor are eager to share their gift of love to those walking through their doors. The place is newly decorated inside with a feel of your own home making it warm and inviting.Working alongside other outreach groups in the community, the House of Peace will offer spiritual insight to anyone who is longing for answers to some of the more difficult questions of life. Mike and Julie are willing to invest their time into those who would seriously like to anchor themselves in truth. Anyone who would like to check it out is welcome to stop by and visit. Hours vary, so make sure you check ahead before you make the trip.

Friday, March 07, 2008

Last WW1 veteran

Here's an amazing story about the last known WW1 veteran in our country.

Image: Frank Woodruff BucklesHe was sharp and alert and his memory crisp. He was quick with anecdotes. When he heard my last name, he asked if was related to a family he had known in China. I worried about taxing Buckles's energy and tried to end the interview at one point. But he'd have none of that--he wanted to talk.
Mr. Buckles had come to Washington from his 330-acre cattle farm near Charles Town, W.Va., to meet President Bush in the Oval Office--which hadn't even been built when he was born--for the unveiling of his portrait as part of an exhibit at the Pentagon. We sat down with him for an exclusive interview in the Map Room of the White House, where President Franklin Roosevelt plotted the progress of World War II.
When 108-year-old Harry Landis died in Sun City, Fla., on Feb. 4, Buckles became the only living U.S. veteran of the "war to end all wars"--the last man standing in a line of nearly 5-million Americans who served in uniform during that war.

He attributes his longevity to "the desire to live … I have something to survive for. I have a daughter, who, of course, is dear to me," he said, gesturing to Susannah Buckles Flanagan, 52, who sat nearby.

He does 50 sit-ups everyday and drove a tractor on his farm until five years ago--the same time he stopped driving himself to appointments.

"What made you stop?" I asked.

"My daughter," he said, with a laugh. "I would have been driving a lot longer than I did."

By John Yang, NBC News correspondent

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Heart Humboldt

This Sunday at 11:00 a.m. we have a group going up to Eureka to decorate at Pacific Rehabilitation Facility. We will also be participating in organizing a supply room and office storage area as well as playing Bingo with some of the residents! If you are interested in participating in any of the activities offered I suggest you go to the link I have posted above and join a group! Blessings

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Cattleman's Dinner

Shindig in Ferndale! Tonight we all went on down to the Cattleman's Dinner. Y'all know what that means. Lots of beef, beer and line dancin'. This is a photo of me and my dad (Tom).
The Chapman's had a great time as well.

Joy in the Journey & the Humboldt Crud

Some days are just like that. By the end of the day the weariness settles in, the emotional ups and downs weigh heavy on our hearts and just the general fatigue of living in the 21st century takes its toll on our bodies . Having the Humboldt crud in the bronchial chest area doesn't help either. I have had the crud now for over a week. Coughing, breathing issues and the like have tried desperately to take over my good health as my immune system valiantly tries to fight it off. So far, it feels more like the long drawn out war in Iraq as opposed to the quick surge in Afghanistan; some days it feels like I'm winning the next it seems like the insurgents are taking over. It's taking some time. Winter in Humboldt can be long and damp which can make a cold linger for weeks.
So, such as it is, I realize my last post perhaps may have been depressing. But who is never a little down? Sometimes I think we put too much emphasis on always having to be "up". Like upbeat, bubbly, positive or congenial. Even Jesus had days that
because of the depravity of man caused him to feel down. Not that He lost hope, but saddened and emotional about the way things were.
My heart is saddened when I see the aged of our society in what is perhaps their last days. Growing old is not something for the faint of heart. I realize now how courageous these older folks really are. Just as I am fighting off the effects of my cold so too are they fighting to fend off the aging process. And they have good days and bad days. Maybe growing old is just like having one long cold.
Aside - going to the beach, taking long walks, playing with my kids are all great ways to celebrate the health that God has given me. Some days are full, bright and sunny with lots of activities while other days are slow, emotional and tedious. Through it all, God sustains. He hears the longings we have in our hearts for more good days to spend with our friends and loved ones. And while these days click by like fingers punching out an email on a keyboard, each and every one of them is to be treasured.

Philippians 4:12, 13
I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty.
I have learned to be content in whatever the circumstances. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation whether well fed or hungry, living in plenty or in want, (healthy or sick) and that is ....
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.