Last time we went camping I took a picture of the campsite because I thought that it looked just like home...stuff everywhere. I wanted to forget about it and not stress over it but then this mother-thing takes over. That little voice that tells me that I am responsible for making healthy, functioning, productive citizens out of these people and that time is running out! I don't have that many years left to train them before they move out and grow up. So sometimes I panic about that..... then I nag.... then nobody wants to be around me because they think that I am in a bad mood. But actually I am just panicking. Worried that they will grow up to be slobs. Or worse yet, what if their spouses blame me for their bad habits?!
So that's it. One mother's rant a day after Mother's day. I'm done. I know that as their father and I raise them up that they will be fine. I think it's just the gaps in that training that I wonder about......
Pudge? You? I'll show you pudge... on second thought... nevermind. Also, some of the camping stuff in the photo look vaguely familiar... those kids! That was a great trip! mark