This is a welcoming sight.
This means that summer is indeed here.
Officially that doesn't happen until June 21 st.
But for our family, seeing this trailer down at the campsite in SoHum (which is short for Southern Humboldt for those of you who are new to reading this post!) means that it is officially summer for us!
Each year we move our traveling home down to the Redwoods so that we can indulge ourselves in the warm summer like weather that seems to evade the northern parts of the county. When the fog remains as thick as a wool blanket for a good part of the summer months over the coastal cities, the inland valleys receive an abundance of sun for most of that time. So being the sunseeker that I am, I seek and I find. And I find it in SoHum.
Of course, set up takes some time. Seems like Gus winds up doing most of the hard work! The ground is not always level since there isn't a concrete slab or anything fancy like that. Sometimes finding a level spot isn't easy. It's kind of like moving furniture around in the living takes a few tries before you settle in on just the right set up. So after several repositioning attempts and Gus' eternal patience with me, we got it settled. Did I forget to mention how hot it was?
WM had the pleasure of setting up his tent. I had great fun telling him stories of how hard it was to set up a tent in the "old days." Tents that were made of 1/4 inch canvas that weighed about a hundred pounds, poles with no labels on them that had to be snapped together in just the right order to get the thing erect! I can still see the sweat pouring off of my father's face after wrestling with our old family tent for what seemed to be hours! I had to remind WM how easy he has it with these poles with elastic in them that only require a few minutes to put in place. He asked me if I had to walk for miles in the snow barefoot to get to school, too! Smart alec! (is that even spelled right!?).
And my job was to direct the entire ordeal from my chair. It had to look good as well as be level guys, come on!
But in the end, isn't this worth all that sweat and hard effort? We think so and I'm sure they appreciate it too!
Welcome back to SoHum! One of the "summer things" that we anticipate most is afternoons at the river with you! !VIVE las dias calor! mark