A couple of days ago I went out to the beach to catch a much needed sunset. I say much needed because it had been far too long since I had actually taken the time to appreciate the beauty of this daily event. Here in Humboldt, the sun quite often sets into a nice bed of fog before it descends into the ocean, so when we see a sunset like the one in the photo, it just makes it that much more spectacular. I am almost ashamed to say that my life has been so busy lately that I had to actually plan this event. Usually I tend to be a very spontaneous person, but this week seemed to be quite rapidly getting away from me. I had to take drastic measures to ensure that my activities remained balance between work and play! I told my honey the night before to set aside this evening to go to the beach with me for some quiet time to which he enthusiastically agreed.

Again, the evening was one of those spring evenings where the wind was gentle, the sand was cool, and the breeze even had a hint of warmth to it. I love the fact that after 28 yrs together, my honey and I still love to spend time together doing the simple things that we have loved the most over the years.
I took my other favorite friends along with me as well. These friends would be Tilly and Hero, my dogs. And boy do they love going to the beach!
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