On any given day, the weather in Southern Humboldt can be 15 to 20 degrees warmer than the temperature in Fortuna and Eureka. So being the slave that I am to warm weather, I head down there every chance I get. Sunday was just such a day. The weather up North was cold, dreary and foggy while the weather in SoHum (as we like to call it) promised to be warm and wonderful. The Sunday pleasure of going to church remained part of our day to which we added a Sunday picnic with the family. We invited another couple from church, our son and his wife and our grandbabies, as well as a couple from their church. So, we had a pretty good crowd going down to the river for our Sunday lunch. We drove down the famous Avenue of the Giants to arrive at our favorite spot in the Redwoods. We were not disappointed in the least by the temperature. Again, SoHum faithfully delivered the sunshine we so desperately sought.
My grand daughter, ACJ, was playing around the meadow when she very excitedly came running over to tell us that a car was pulling away from the picnic area.
" I'd better be careful," she said, " I need to hold my hand!" as she clasped her hands together!
I think what she meant to say was that she had better hold Mom's hand so that she would be safe.

Did I mention that she happens to be absolutely adorable? She lives up to her middle name of Constance Joy for she is just that to me!
The guys went kayaking in the pristine Eel River and the kids went swimming! BRRR!! A little too cold for me!
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