We girls traveled down to Englewood this weekend so that we could get some ideas for setting up the wedding. We couldn't have picked a nicer day! Evelyn wanted to know if she and Nick could just get married right then! It was so beautiful. A perfect day.Her mother and I both told her no, she was going to have to wait ....
yes, wait. That is the hard part. We all agreed. So much to do, yet so much wanting it to be finished!! Velma gave us the grand tour, giving us a bit of a history lesson about the town of Englewood as we strolled along the paths lined with Redwoods and Firs. Velma has lived here
All of this planning and decision making was
She just couldn't help but to indulge herself amongst the ocean of daisies.
JoJo has a good eye for beauty as can be seen in this photo of the apple blossom.
This is one of the many areas we are considering for the wedding.
After all that planning and note taking and logistics, Evelyn just figured it was time to enjoy the journey, hop on the garden swing and kick up her heels a little! Even though our little girls grow up and get married, they are still just that, our little girls.
So cute and what a lovely bride to be!